Changing of the Guard

Hello. Lucas is the name, and you'd do well to remember it. I'm Goober's replacement kitty. You can see I share many common traits, such as flamepoint breed, hair and eye color. After that, the similarities between my predecessor and I stop.
I was adopted last night. A bit of a story behind that. The owner (I guess that's what he is; I'm still not sure of his role) saw a picture of me on in the week before Goober passed on. Right away he knew that I was to carry on the Flamepoint Siamese legacy begun back in the day by Coalsy, and then Goober.
Well, he was all set to pick me up one night, but was told by the Humane Society that I had been moved to a foster home because of an upper respiratory ailment. Everyday for almost three weeks he called the fine ladies at the Humane Society to inquire about my status and whether I had been brought back. You might say he was cyber stalking me! The gals there grew kinda tired of all those inquiries.
Just yesterday I was brought back to the Society, and before I could cozy down and get readjusted the Headmistress of the Theo Wirth Spa for Kitties shows up! She starts filling out the paperwork to adopt me, and I'm thinking, "Hey, this sounds okay. I'd be happy to shack up with that."
But then, five minutes before close, the stalker shows up after tailgating several old ladies across St. Paul to get to me in time. Turns out he's the one who is to be my owner! Kablewey! He barely looks at me before forking over his credit card and dragging me home.
So yeah, still got some figuring out to do. Still dealing with the loss of my virility as well, although I'm (literally) holding on to what I still got as best I can! Stomach's a little bit upset from all this commotion, and my cough hasn't gone away completely.
But I got big paws to fill. I can smell (and sometimes see) all the evidence that this house used to be policed by one special fellow, Goober. I'm going to carry on his work, even though I'm still a kitten and got a lot of growing to do. You'll be hearing all about it, so stay tuned?
And, what the hell is a CPA anyways?