What's everyone doing for Memorial Day Weekend?
I'll tell you what I'm doing.
I'm going to visit Gusto. You know, that asshole to the left. His owners are going to be out of town for the weekend, so they asked me to come out and give him some company.
So I get the pleasure of riding in a cardboard box 40 miles, and trying in vain to hold on to my Purina. And once that fails, trying to keep my intestinal play-doh. And once that fails, trying to keep from rolling around in my own bodily fruits.
Once there, I'm sure Gusto and I will hiss at each other and take turns clobbering one another and biting ears.
Then the special treat; I get outdoors! A full five acre forest for me to roam, full of deadly racoons, wily squirrels, and hawks that swoop down out of the sky and hit you on the head with their talons.
So what is everyone else doing?
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